Thursday, January 21, 2010

Corn Flakes Cookies

今天介绍的是Corn Flakes Cookies! (中文叫什么??我么不知道…)

这种曲奇饼和杏仁饼大同小异,不同点只是在于杏仁粉和 Corn Flakes 碎。

饼饼上头涂上一层蛋黄加上一些甜豆碎,把Corn Flakes 的味道完完全全的带出来哦!

那么好吃的曲奇饼只卖一罐 RM16 哦!


  1. outlook seems like quite good o...
    the corn flakes is inside ar??? or just top up there nia???

  2. i mix the corn flakes with the flour. a bit different with what you see in existing market. topping is not corn flakes, but one kind of nuts. =)

  3. tasty bo?
    keep me one, or when u pass my house, u take to my house, then give me ur bank acc, cimb, i bank in you...
    i think my mum wont have this kind of cookies..
    take to my house around 10 - cny feb lo,
    a bo when i back, no more... haha
